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Hlody ... (Ch. B. Ch.)
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SSaM - Spolek Sběratelů alkoholických Miniatur
Morten`s Miniature Bottle`s Collection
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Niekto zbiera známky, iný frajerky ... ja si zbieram na cirhózu pečene :-)
Obrázky bez popisu žiaľ nepatria priamo do tekutého pokladu mojej zbierky, sú len fotodokumentáciou od známych. Dobrovoľní prispievatelia do zbierky sú vítaní :-)

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finest old scotch whisky
40% Bell`s
finest old scotch whisky
Scotland`s number one scotch whisky Bell`s
old scotch whisky
extra special Bell`s
finest old scotch whisky
aged 8 years
matured for eight years in oak
40% Bell`s
blended scotch whisky
fine aged
aged 8 years
matured in oak casks
for a full flavour
finest blended scotch whisky
very rare scotch whisky
royal reserve
21 years old Bell`s
extra special
old scotch whisky
Arthur Bell & Sons
aged 8 years
matured for eight years in oak
40% Bell`s
blended scotch whisky
specially selected
distilled blended & bottled in Scotland
Arthur Bell & Sons plc
Distillers Perth Scotland
established 1825
40% Bell`s
blended scotch whisky
specially selected
distilled blended & bottled in Scotland
Arthur Bell & Sons Ltd.
Distillers Perth Scotland
established 1825
wade Bell`s
de luxe
years 12 old
A Very Old Scotch Whisky
100% scotch whiskies
distilled blended and bottled in Scotland
Arthur Bell & Sons Ltd.
Distillers Perth Scotland
established 1825
product of Scotland
connoisseurs choice
single malt scotch whisky
distilled at Inchgower Distillery
Proprietors: Arthur Bell & Sons.
distilled 1993
specially selected, produced and bottled by Gordon & MacPhail, Elgin, Scotland
43% Glenfiddich
single malt pure malt scotch whisky
43% Glenfiddich
single malt
pure malt
scotch whisky
clans of the highlands of Scotland
Clan Sutherland
Kenneth Sutherland, 3rd Lord Duffus
established 1887
William Grant & Sons Ltd., The Glenfiddich Distillery, Banffshire, Scotland
product of Scotland
sans peur
43% Glenfiddich
special old reserve
distilled and bottled at The Glenfiddich Distillery
single malt
pure malt
scotch whisky
product of Scotland
distilled & bottled in Scotland by William Grant & Sons Ltd, The Glenfiddich Distillery Banffshire Scotland
established 1887
the pure malt whisky is produced by the 5th generation an independent family company
43% Glenfiddich
single malt pure malt scotch whisky
single malt pure malt scotch whisky
40% Glenfiddich
single malt pure malt scotch whisky
43% Glenfiddich
special reserve
single malt
scotch whisky
aged 12 years
43% Glenfiddich
special reserve
single malt
scotch whisky
43% Glenfiddich
pure single malt
special reserve
single malt
scotch whisky
aged 12 years
single malt scotch whisky
12 years old
40% Glenfiddich
single malt scotch whisky
12 years old
40% Glenfiddich
est. 1887
The Single Malt Collection
Special reserve - aged 12 years
Solera reserve - aged 15 years
Ancient reserve - aged 18 years
The Glenfiddich Distillery, Dufftown, Banffshire, Scotland Glenfiddich
pure single malt
est. 1887
special reserve
single malt
Scotch whisky
distilled, matured & bottled at the Glenfiddich Distillery
aged 12 years
The Highland Single Malt Scotch Whisky
has been produced by an independent scottish family company for 5 generation
William Grant & Sons Limited, Dufftown, Banffshire, Scotland
40% Glenfiddich
pure single malt
est. 1887
special reserve
single malt
Scotch whisky
distilled, matured & bottled at the Glenfiddich Distillery
aged 12 years
The Highland Single Malt Scotch Whisky
has been produced by an independent scottish family company for 5 generation
William Grant & Sons Limited, Dufftown, Banffshire, Scotland
Family run since 1887
World`s most awarded
Pure single malt scotch whisky
Special reserve
aged 12 years
Najpopulárnejšia škótska single malt whisky na svete
Glenfiddich 12 rokov dominuje kategórii škótskych single malt whisky a je to celosvetovonajpredávanejšia a najocenovanejšia whisky na svete.
Zreje 12 rokov v sudoch zo španielskeho a amerického dubu, čo významne prispieva k jej jemnej a zrelej chuti.
Farba - Slamová
Aróma - Ľahká a ovocná, s ľahkým nádychom maslovej hrušky. V druhom slede sladové a citrusové tóny. Pridanie vody rozvíja orochovo sušienkovú sladkosť
Chuť - Mäkká a ľahká. Prevláda vanilka, slad, hruška, jablko a slabá orechovosť. Ľahký náznak bielej čokolády a jemnej dubovej suchosti
Dokončenie - Mäkké, ľahko ovocné s náznakom čokolády
Výrobný proces - Jačmenný slad sa nahrubo pomelie a zmieša s horúcou vodou, aby sa škrob rozložil na cukry. Pridajú sa kvasinky a kvasením sa cukor premení na alkohol. Vzniknutá skvasená kvapalina sa dvakrát destiluje, aby sa zvýšil obsah alkoholu. Vzniknutý destilát je následne uložený do dubových sudov, kde sa necháva zrieť po dobu minimálne 12 rokov (dubové sudy dodávajú väčšinu z jej vône a farby). Potom sa stáča do fliaš Glenfiddich
single malt
scotch whisky
independent family distillers
since 1887
aged 12 years
our signature malt
William Grant & Sons
The Glenfiddich Distillery, Dufftown, Scotland
hand built by William Grant and family
product of Scotland
40% Glenfiddich
single malt
scotch whisky
independent family distillers
since 1887
our signature malt
aged 12 years
distilled, matured & bottled at the Glenfiddich Distillery, Dufftown, Banffshire, Scotland
product of Scotland
William Grant & Sons Limited
40% Glenfiddich
pure single malt
est. 1887
solera reserve
single malt
Scotch whisky
distilled, matured & bottled at the Glenfiddich Distillery
aged 15 years
The Glenfiddich Distillery, Dufftown, Banffshire, Scotland
40% Glenfiddich
pure single malt
est. 1887
solera reserve
single malt
Scotch whisky
distilled, matured & bottled at the Glenfiddich Distillery
aged 15 years
William Grant & Sons Limited, Dufftown, Banffshire, Scotland

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